Are Spiritual Healing Retreats Right For Me?

Spiritual healing retreats offer a healthy, soothing, environment in which you can gently and proactively bring your life and health into balance.“Retreating” literally means withdrawing, either in battle, or just from any situation that is difficult. Similarly, a healing retreat can be a withdrawal from any part of life that is too chaotic, challenging, or uninspiring.

Why Should You Attend Spiritual
Healing Retreats?

Spiritual healing retreats aren’t just reserved for hippies or “new agers.” People from all walks of life are drawn to these spiritual vacations.

Here are some of the many reasons people choose to go on healing retreats: 

➤ Work stress. The daily pressures of work life cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture over time. Stepping away from the routine will help you to understand the value of your work, and how you’d like to better manage it.

➤ Time for reflection after major life events. When we experience major changes in our lives, it’s important to take time out to adjust and set new goals for happiness and peace.

➤ A chance to share meaningful spiritual growth with a loved one.Devoting time specifically to nurture and grow personal connections with the people you are closest to is easier when you both can detach from your normal context and meet in a healthy, calm, tranquil environment.

➤ A gift for yourself. Building on a home practice of meditation and other healing self-work, you may want to reward yourself with days or even weeks dedicated solely to your own evolving healing practice. Spiritual healing retreats are the perfect setting to do this in.

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What’s The Difference Between A Retreat
And A Vacation?

A great vacation might involve seeing the sights of an exciting new locale, forgetting your worries, and simply devoting yourself to fun and relaxation.

energymedicine-dkc-2.jpgThis is all quite valuable to our spirit and happiness from time to time. A spiritual healing retreat(More Info) builds on the power of a vacation and gives you the space to work on deeper, lasting enhancements to your overall well-being.

Here’s what you can expect to do at a healing retreat:

  1. Peace and quiet. Quiet time for you to reflect, meditate, practice yoga, or simply relax, are a key function of spiritual retreats, often held in beautiful natural settings.
  2. Workshops, talks, and hands-on training. Attend talks and training sessions to learn specific techniques for healing and the bigger concepts behind them. You might also enjoy group meditation, yoga, and chanting sessions.
  3. Therapies for mind and body. Every retreat has its own emphasis and style, but many include powerful personal therapy like massage, reflexology, reiki, energy work, and the chance to talk with inspirational counselors and life coaches.

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Prepare For Spiritual Healing Retreats By Introducing Yourself To The Healing Arts

woman-phone.jpgTime at many spiritual healing retreats can be booked easily online, but to get the most out of your retreat experience, begin the process of spiritual healing right now, wherever you are in your day and your life.

At the Deborah King Center, renowned energy healer and New York Times best-selling author Deborah King has assembled a groundbreaking series of courses designed to help you begin the process of taking you into a state of total mind, body, and spiritual well-being. You can learn to harness the power of energy medicine, develop a meditation practice, and even study the fundamental concepts behind life coaching. Check out Deborah’sLifeForce Energy Healing Online Program or LifeForce Coaching Certification Program to find out more.

All of these skills will enhance your stay at a retreat and give you an amazing head start on the calming, balancing, healing work you will experience there. And even if it takes you a year to find the time to get away for your retreat, the easily downloadable classes and wealth of information at the Deborah King Center will be your oasis of knowledge and power – wherever you are now.

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