Meditation Techniques Made Simple – Common Questions About The
Art of Meditating

Woman Performing Meditation.jpgOver thousands of years, civilizations around the globe have developed meditation techniques to calm the mind and help people achieve enlightenment. How does this ancient practice translate into our modern lives? Let’s demystify the process – read on to find out how a few simple concepts and techniques can create a profoundly positive impact on your life.


Why Do I Need To Meditate?

If you are a human being living on planet Earth, you occasionally experience stress. Juggling personal happiness, responsibility, career, family life, and dreams is a full-time occupation in itself. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious or even overwhelmed at times. No matter where you are in life, meditation – the practice of intentionally calming your mind – provides relief and guidance to help you feel great, and understand your life with wisdom and compassion.

•Stress relief: Meditating is the number one way to lower stress levels in your body and mind. Left unchecked, common daily stress can cause physical and mental ripples throughout your life experience that lead to far greater imbalance and illness.


•Emotional balance: Sometimes it feels like our thoughts and emotions are getting the better of us. Meditation techniques provide a means to understanding our emotions and steering them into a better-feeling place.


•Connection to higher wisdom: Often the best advice for how to deal with life’s challenges comes from within. Use meditation techniques to receive the full knowing of your spirit, then put that wisdom into action to improve your life.


Frequently Asked Questions
About Meditation Techniques

Is meditation strictly a religious practice?
No. While many religions of the world practice some form of meditation, it is not the exclusive domain of any one culture or religious tradition. Meditation is a gift that every single person can explore and enjoy regardless of background.

Meditation Techniques Will Rejuvenate You!.jpgHow long do I have to meditate?
Believe it or not, you can experience life-changing benefits from simply meditating around 20 minutes a day. This is a very small time investment that pays huge dividends.

Where can I meditate?
You can meditate just about anywhere. Find a spot where you won’t be interrupted for a few minutes – it could be a room in your house or a nice bench in a park. The location doesn’t have to be fancy – you can even sit in your parked car or on a city bus – just close your eyes, and go within.

When should I meditate?

You can meditate anytime, but picking the time of day that corresponds to your goals can make your meditation techniques (More Info) even more powerful.


–Morning – start your day with a blast of energy that’s better than caffeine.

–Afternoonrefresh your spirit in the middle of a workday to power you all afternoon.

–Evening – take the time to wind-down and receive soothing stress relief.


What Tools Do I Need To Meditate?

The best part about meditation is that you already have everything you need to get started. That’s because this practice is all about you connecting with you, using the tools you were born with.

•Breathing – Learning to control the breath is the key to entering a meditative state.
•Mantras – A mantra is a phrase or sound used to help you enter an expanded state of conscious. You can speak them aloud, or simply “play” them in your thoughts.
•The mind – Taking conscious control of your thoughts is one of the major goals of meditation. Learn techniques that will help you dispel the chatter and hear your own true inner voice.


Learn Advanced Meditation Techniques At
The Deborah King Center

Learn Meditation Techniques With The Master Healer Deborah King.jpgWhen you are ready to explore meditation and start reaping its wonderful benefits in your life, it’s important to learn the practical skills to meditate from a qualified instructor.

Modern day shaman Deborah King has distilled the incredible knowledge of energy medicine and spiritual healing detailed in her New York Times best-sellers into a hands-on curriculum in the healing arts. At the groundbreaking Deborah King Center, you can learn to meditate the right way and unlock all of the rewards this timeless practice offers.


DKC Learn More

An easy way to start is with Deborah’s Learn to Meditatevideo workshop. This comprehensive training video grants you access to an entire 3-day meditation workshop. Deborah will lead you through easy to follow exercises, while illuminating the concepts behind how it all works. When you start the course, you’ll even receive a personal mantra directly from Deborah. Then you’ll learn all the practical techniques you’ll need to start meditating today.