It’s Easier Than You Think – Learn How To Meditate Today

We all want to find that sense of calm and balance in our minds, but when it comes to the question of how to meditate, many of us get stumped. This ancient art of intentionally quieting your thoughts can be intimidating at first. It’s been practiced in cultures all over the world for countless thousands of years – that’s a lot of tradition to navigate. But the good news is, you don’t need to be an anthropologist or a mystic to tap into the power of meditation. This is an easy to access tool available to everyone on Earth.



How To Create The Right Conditions
For Meditating

Is meditation as easy as closing your eyes? It can be. But to get the most out of meditating, set the stage, both within and without.

Dedicate 20 minutes of your day. That doesn’t sound like a lot of time, but you’d be surprised how few people schedule even a few minutes just for themselves in any given day. Just 20 minutes of daily meditation can produce profound benefits.

Find a comfortable chair. You’ll want to sit somewhere where you won’t be disturbed and your body will feel comfortable for a few minutes. With practice, you absolutely can meditate in public, like on a park bench or even on a city bus. For now, just find a nice place to sit in your home.

Young Woman Demonstrating How To Mediate.pngTurn off your phone and close your laptop. Your connection to the digital world and communication with others can wait. Give yourself permission to focus only on yourself for these minutes.

That’s pretty much all the prep you’ll need! Easy, right?

How To Meditate With A Mantra – What Is A Mantra And How Do You Use It?

Now that you’ve found the time and space to meditate, what exactly are you supposed to do, say, or think about once you close your eyes? A “mantra” is one tool we can use to help bring about deeper states of concentration and expanded consciousness. In ancient Sanskrit, the word itself literally means “to liberate consciousness.” Here are the basic facts you need to know about meditating with this ancient technique:

➤ A mantra is simply a sound, a word, or a group of words.

➤ Mantras are often meant to be spoken silently to oneself.

➤ The repetition of the mantra can have a powerful vibrational impact upon the mind and consciousness.

➤ While there are many universally used mantras, different mantras have different, personal significance and power for different people.

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Join Deborah King To Learn How To Meditate With A Technique That Works For You

There are many approaches to how to meditate (More Info) – when you are ready to go deeper and learn the specific techniques you’ll need to get the most out of your practice, turn to one of the world’s most respected voices in the healing arts – Deborah King.

Woman Showing Happiness After Meditating.jpgBringing together ancient traditions with modern science,New York Times best-selling author Deborah King has sifted through the mountain of information for you. She’s distilled the concepts and practices of meditation into an easy-to-understand, easy-to-practice system for taking your own mind into expanded states of consciousness and powerful focus.

The Learn To Meditate download is a comprehensive 3-day workshop that will get you up to speed on everything you need to know to begin a powerful and healing meditation practice of your own. In addition to careful instruction on the concepts behind meditation, you’ll even receive your very own personal mantra, assigned to you directly by Deborah King. Meditating is supposed to be easy for everyone. Join Deborah and learn how to meditate the right way today.

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