Exploring Theta Healing Courses – Is Theta Energy Real?

Are theta healing courses legitimate forms of spiritual healing? You may have heard about this recent trend in energy healing, which is not an ancient practice, but was invented around 15 years ago by Vianna Stibal, a woman who claimed to cure herself of cancer with the technique she later named theta healing. Let’s take a look at what the technique attempts to do, and balance these claims with the concerns of theta detractors.


What Is Taught In Theta Healing Courses?

According to practitioners, theta work is a form of healing energy which is applied via meditation, accessing thought patterns in the brain. Theta healing courses will address problems in a client’s life by focusing upon the following areas:


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➨ Core Beliefs – Thought patterns acquired from parents, schooling, and peers over a lifetime.

➨ Hereditary Beliefs – Traits that are carried within DNA from previous generations.

➨ Racial Beliefs – Energy that is passed down from previous lives, and the human race as a whole.

➨ The Soul – The non-physical source that resides inside all living beings.


Without a doubt, our lives are influenced by what we learn, what our bodies remember, and the vast and powerful energy which is the source of all life. That’s not in debate. But can the trademarked techniques taught in theta workshops truly affect these things?

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Here’s what detractors say:


➤ Theta healing courses operate with a placebo effect, creating change by suggestion.

➤ Founder Vianna Stibal has exaggerated claims of healing her cancer.

➤ Theta’s ambiguous processes don’t have a basis in real science.


The jury is still out on whether the proprietary healing process known as theta is authentic or not. There are indeed many traditions and techniques that humans have used throughout the millennia to access unseen energy and bring balance and abundance to life. Ultimately, the best judge for what works and what doesn’t is you.


Discover the Power of Energy Healing.jpgWhen you embark upon your own spiritual path, it’s important to ask a lot of questions and come to your own conclusions. With so many different ideas on what spirituality means, where do you even begin? Start by getting educated – take the time to explore many modern philosophies and see what clicks. When you align with spiritual ideas and practices that just feel right to you, you’ll know you’re on the right track.

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Go Beyond Theta Healing Courses To Study All Forms of Energy Healing With Deborah King

One of the most beautiful parts of a spiritual journey is striking a balance between self-empowerment and drawing upon the wisdom of spiritual teachers. The best teachers will inspire you to learn about how your own body, mind, and spirit work. They won’t hide behind a wall of mysterious mumbo-jumbo, but instead will speak in plain, easy-to-understand words which resonate with you on deep levels.


One such teacher is New York Times best-selling author and renowned energy healer Deborah King. If you’ve ever watched one of Deborah’s videos online or attended an in-person workshop, you’ve experienced how Deborah’s clear and confident discussion of spiritual life and healing makes these powerful ideas available to everyone.


375x321_what_does_your_smile_say_about_you_features.jpgNow, you can join Deborah for an in-depth exploration of energy healing and how to apply it to your own life. In the LifeForce Energy Healing Online Program, you’ll learn the history and concepts behind energy healing, as well as specific practical techniques for using it. This multi-tiered curriculum is designed to take you from curiosity to a powerful mastery of energy. If you have doubts about theta healing courses (Related News), start instead with a program of study that covers all aspects of energy work, with Deborah King.


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