How To Become An Energy Medicine Practitioner

The first step towards any career as a professional energy medicine practitioner begins with consciously deciding that you wish to devote your life to the healing of yourself and others. This basic generosity and nurturing nature are probably what drew you to this page in the first place. Now, explore your natural curiosity and find out how you are already far closer to a career in the healing arts than you may realize.

Whether You Know It Or Not, You Have Already Begun Your Journey Towards Becoming An Energy Medicine Practitioner

Before you embark upon more advanced training towards a vocation as a healer, it’s important to recognize and celebrate the ways in which you already employ forms of energy medicine. Here are some common ways in which many of us intuitively practice energy healing in our everyday lives:

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✦ The power of positive thinking. Ever get yourself out of a jam, find good luck, or stave off an oncoming illness with the power of your own mind? It’s amazing what we can accomplish by simply adopting a hopeful, optimistic attitude. Consciously steering our thoughts and emotions towards the outcome we want is a rudimentary energy healing principle that is the basis of many energy medicine practitioner techniques.✦ Releasing resistance through exercise. Ever wonder why a brisk walk, a yoga class, a jog around the park, or an hour of dancing feels so good? These “moving meditations” are simple techniques for releasing physical resistance, which in turn create more mental and emotional flow.

✦ Informal life coaching of others. Although you may not yet be trained as a life coach, helping others push through barriers and find their potential through compassionate advice is indeed a basic form of energy healing. Having a strong connection to “common sense” is another way of saying that you’re aligned with what your inner self knows to be true.

✦ Calling upon higher wisdom for assistance. By entering expanded states of consciousness, an energy healer can receive guidance from all sorts of cosmic intelligence. You probably do this many times a day without even realizing it, whether you choose to summon this help through prayer, communion with the natural wisdom of the earth, or simply connecting with the knowing that is already inside of you though meditation.


Become An Energy Medicine Practitioner By Enrolling In First-Rate Healing Courses At The Deborah King Center

Now that you see how you are intuitively drawn to basic energy healing techniques every day, it’s time to launch your advanced education in the art of energy medicine. Students from all over the world have enrolled in the groundbreaking spiritual healing courses at the Deborah King Center – and now you can too, from the comfort of your own home.

Inspirational energy healer and modern day shaman Deborah King first delivered her powerful, compassionate message of self-healing through energy in the pages of her acclaimed New York Times best-seller “Be Your Own Shaman.” Now, Deborah has created a new, one-of-a-kind curriculum to give you the conceptual basis and practical techniques you will need to become an energy healer.

o-HAPPY-MAN-facebook.jpgAbsolutely no prior experience is necessary – Deborah will help you build your connection to the art of energy healing from the ground up, in a fully downloadable series of classes. The LifeForce Energy Healing Online Program will foster a comprehensive understanding of energy medicine (Related Info), with hands-on methods for using energy to heal your own life, on your way to healing others.

We are all in touch with the power of energy medicine every day. We can’t help it – this powerful knowing is already built into every one of us. Now, expand upon the innate wisdom you already hold and follow your dream of becoming an energy medicine practitioner today.

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